Course 1

This course is designed to get you established in the fundamental truths of the New Covenant. Your life will be determined by the beliefs of your heart. God has revealed Jesus and His work of redemption in His Word so we can understand them and allow our beliefs to be dominated by the truth. As you receive revelation of these truths your life will begin move in the direction of the plan and purpose of God for your life.

Course 2

Emmaus Bible Course 2 is designed to equip and empower you to live out your potential and purpose effectively. God has called you to be a leader, whether in the work of the gospel or in the marketplace. He has also clearly revealed the non-negotiable principles of effective Leadership in His Word. These principles are based on the unchanging wisdom of God.

As your heart gets established on these truths you will be able to manifest all that you are in Christ and influence many lives in an effective and godly way. Let us prepare you for what God has prepared for you!

Course 3